Friday, February 28, 2020

PPP answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

PPP answers - Essay Example Each subsequent slide is clear in handling just one sub-topic relevant to financial analysis. When each slide depicts a single sub-topic, the presenter manages to show the distinction in each step. Good flow and articulation of points from one sub-topic to the other is evident. The second aspect the power point presentation is that slides clearly express what McKesson Corporation presenter intends to convey. The slides directly focus on the financial analysis and emphasizes on key information. Graphical representations mainly have color variations that show audience the differences in lines used for each variable. MCK, for instance, is outstanding in red color. Consequently, audience can easily make a comparison and relate variables in the graph. In addition, related variables occupy one slide for easy comparison. For example, variables of profitability such as Return on equity, Gross profit margin and Return on total assets have one slide for an easy relationship. Another outstanding quality observed is that the slides do not contain unnecessary clipart and unuseful generic photographs. The third aspect is that presenter has remained careful enough to avoid redundancy at the expense of precision in his power point presentation by not using obvious remarks. PowerPoint presentation has carefully avoided overused business terms. Use of new uncommon business terms help audience to avoid getting bored and presentation becoming monotonous. The power point presentation of McKesson Corporation, however, has excess information in every slide apart from the first two. As a result, it becomes difficult for audience to retrieve vital information during the presentation. Moreover, some of the audiences fail to see clearly the contents of power point slides. Small texts in the slides may disadvantage those audiences with blurred vision and shortsightedness. When preparing the slides, information in each of them should not be too many that

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Historical Timeline and Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Historical Timeline and - Essay Example 1856: Sacking of Lawrence - The Sacking of Lawrence event occurs on May 21 in Lawrence, Kansas where devastating vandalism was done by pro-slavery supporters in order to put pressure on the territory to vote to support ownership of slaves. 1857: Dred Scott v Sanford - Dred Scott v Sanford is heard in front of the Supreme Court where Dred Scott sues for his freedom based on the premise that he was transported into areas that did not allow slavery so his ownership was therefore invalid. The court decides that 1857: Economic Depression - Economic depression affects the North more than the South, hurting the Democratic Party and setting up the Republican Party for further support and creating a foundation for the election of Abraham Lincoln. 1859: Harpers Ferry Armory - On October16 John Brown leads a raid on the Harpers Ferry Armory in order to arm slaves and create an army sweeping through Virginia and picking up slaves along the way, depleting Virginia of its slaves. The intent was to use the weapons only for defense, but the raid began with bloodshed and was ultimately unsuccessful. As a result of the raid, John Brown was executed by hanging. 1860: Republican Victory - Republican Abraham Lincoln is elected as the 16th President of the United States with only 40% of the vote in a four way contest fueled by the divide between the North and the South. The American Civil War began in 1861 after a series of economic issues, combined with the highly emotional and volatile results of the issue of slavery, resulted in the secession of seven states after the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. There were several specific events that created the political environment that would become ripe for the divide. Economic factors that were different in the North than in the South created resentments that caused the initial rift between the two areas of the country. Both the pro-slavery and