Thursday, November 28, 2019

9 Words with More Than One Spelling in British English

9 Words with More Than One Spelling in British English 9 Words with More Than One Spelling in British English The United States was founded to escape the tyranny of the King of England. It is appropriate, then, that American English has also escaped the tyranny of British English. In particular, we should be grateful that most words only have one spelling in American English. In British English, by comparison, many words have more than one spelling depending on how they’re used. And this makes it easy to make mistakes! So to make sure your writing is always error free, check out this list of nine words with more than one spelling in British English. 1. Practice vs. Practise In American English, â€Å"practice† is both a noun and a verb. For example: Noun (US): The doctor is at her practice. Verb (US): The doctor is practicing medicine. But this term has more than one spelling in British English, where the verb form is â€Å"practise†: Noun (UK):  The doctor is at her practice. Adjective (UK): The doctor is practising medicine. So if you’re writing for a British audience, make sure to use an â€Å"s† in this word when it’s a verb and a second â€Å"c† only when it is a noun. 2. Curb vs. Kerb The word â€Å"curb† has two meanings in American English. One is â€Å"restrain something.†Ã‚   This sense of â€Å"curb† is the same in British English: American English: We need to curb food waste. British English: We need to curb food waste. But we also use â€Å"curb† to refer to the raised edge of a sidewalk. And in British English, this word is spelled â€Å"kerb† instead. So make sure to use â€Å"kerb† with a â€Å"k† if you are writing for Brits: American English: I tripped on the curb while crossing the road. British English: I tripped on the kerb while crossing the road. 3. Dependent vs. Dependant In American English, â€Å"dependent† is both a noun and an adjective. The noun form of this word means â€Å"a person that depends on someone else† (e.g., children). As an adjective, â€Å"dependent† has a more general meaning of â€Å"reliant on† and applies to more than just people. For example: Noun (US): He is a single man with no dependents. Adjective (US): Their performance is dependent on their star player. But in British English, the noun form of this word is spelled â€Å"dependant†: Noun (UK): He is a single man with no dependants. Adjective (UK): Their performance is dependent on their star player. 4. License vs. Licence â€Å"License† is both a noun (i.e., a permit) and a verb (i.e., the act of licensing something) in American English. As such, we always know to spell this word with an â€Å"s† regardless of the context: Noun (US): Do you have a valid driver’s license? Verb (US): We are licensed to operate in this state. However, as with â€Å"practice† and â€Å"practise,† British English uses a different spelling in each case: Noun (UK): Do you have a valid driver’s licence? Verb (UK): We are licensed to operate in this state. It is worth noting here that the Brits use a â€Å"c† spelling for the noun with both â€Å"practice† and â€Å"licence.† And likewise, the verb forms are both spelled with an â€Å"s† in British English. This makes it easier to remember the correct spellings of these words when writing for a British audience. 5. Draft vs. Draught In British English, the words â€Å"draught† and â€Å"draft† sound exactly the same. However, each term has its own uses. The word â€Å"draught† for example, can mean any of the following: A current of cool air (e.g., Can you feel a draught in here?) An animal that pulls a heavy load (e.g., Horses are draught animals) Beer or cider served from a barrel or tank (e.g., A pint of draught ale) The word â€Å"draft,† meanwhile, primarily refers to: A rough version of something (e.g., A draft copy of my novel) An order to pay money (e.g., A banker’s draft) Military conscription (e.g., To be drafted into the army) But we use â€Å"draft† for all six senses in American English, which is easier to remember! And to add to the confusion, Brits also call the boardgame checkers â€Å"draughts.† 6. Tire vs. Tyre All English speakers use â€Å"tire† as a verb meaning â€Å"grow weary.† For example: I tire of British spellings very quickly. But while we also use â€Å"tire† to mean â€Å"rubber wheel covering,† British people spell this word â€Å"tyre.† For instance: American English: I keep a spare tire in my car at all times. British English: I keep a spare tyre in my car at all times. Look out for this spelling when using the term in British English. 7. Meter vs. Metre One common difference between British and American English is the use of â€Å"-er† and â€Å"-re† word endings. The â€Å"-er† ending is standard in American English (e.g., center or theater), while British English tends to use the older â€Å"-re† version (e.g., centre or theatre). We also see this with metric measurements, including words like â€Å"meter† and â€Å"centimeter,† which are spelled with the â€Å"-re† ending in British English: American English: A meter is roughly 1.094 yards. British English: A metre is roughly 1.094 yards. The same applies when discussing the concept from music or poetry: American English: The poem changes its meter half way through. British English: The poem changes its metre half way through. But it does not apply when discussing a device for measuring something (e.g., a thermometer or barometer). In this case, British English uses the same spelling of â€Å"meter† as American English. 8. Program vs. Programme In American English, the spelling â€Å"program† is used for the following: Software for a computer (e.g., A new spellchecking program for PC) A series of events or activities (e.g., A training program) A television or radio broadcast (e.g., A TV program) The information given out at a performance (e.g., A program for a play) But British English only uses â€Å"program† for the first definition above. In all non-computing contexts, the British spelling is â€Å"programme† instead. 9. Check vs. Cheque Finally, in American and British English, â€Å"check† is common a verb. Usually, it means â€Å"examine,† such as in the following: I checked the timetable and we need to leave. This term has other meanings, too, and in almost every case it is spelled â€Å"check.† But there is one exception. While we use â€Å"check† as a noun to mean â€Å"an order to pay an amount of money from a bank account,† the British spell this version of the word â€Å"cheque†: American English: Do you accept payment by check? British English: Do you accept payment by cheque? Luckily, though, the spelling of â€Å"credit card† is the same in all forms of English.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Absolutism represents the principle of being absolute or arbitrary government Essay Example

Absolutism represents the principle of being absolute or arbitrary government Essay Example Absolutism represents the principle of being absolute or arbitrary government Paper Absolutism represents the principle of being absolute or arbitrary government Paper Essay Topic: History Absolutism is first introduced by philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) who believes in the power of the state and that men cannot survive in an orderly structure without it. The goals of an absolute monarch are to keep a tight rein on the authority of the church and nobility, to make the monarch the most powerful being in the state, to increase the province and esteem of the country and last but not least, to leave behind a inheritor that can rule the country having the same goals. The seventeen centurys most remarkable monarchs are Louis Quatorze (the Son King of France) and Peter I (the Great) of Russia; their careers as monarchs are conclusively achieved due to that fact that both almost accomplish the four goals of absolutism. Louis Quatorze is born on September 5, 1638, having as parents Anne of Austria and the King Louis XIII. It is not until the year of 1661 that Louis comes to the throne and governs France. Once becoming a king, Louis turns his attention towards the nobility and the church. He realizes that in order to retain absolute control over the government, he has to manipulate the nobility. In doing so, he takes from the nobility the traditional right of ruling in the government. Furthermore, Louis hires people from the upper middle class, who are paid to serve him and the state he has power over. The supervision of France is carried out by the Court of State, Court of Finances and Court of Dispatches, councils proposed by Louis. As K. K Campbell states in Louis and his Era, published in Military History, December 1997 edition, Louis court was renowned for its splendor and sophistication. The King also gains control over the Catholic Church, who had been dominant over the state previously. It is after this, that the Catholic Church losses any type of pronouncements socially, politically and economically. This way, Louis of France minimizes the power of the Catholic Church and nobility, accomplishing one of the goals of absolute monarchism. Campbell also states: What cannot be disputed is that Louis and the formidable military machine he commanded elevated France to a position of pre-eminence during his lifetime and for a century thereafter. Louis also modernizes the army of France, and puts it under the power of Francois-Michel Le Tellier. The army becomes very professional and France takes over European politics. Furthermore, no decision is made without his authority. Louis wants to centralize the government so that all decisions are made through him. Now having control over the nobility, Catholic Church and the army, Louis becomes the most important individual in France, achieving the second goal of an absolute monarchism. One of the most important things that Louis wants to do is to gain territory, power and prestige for France. The fact that the army is very modernize, makes Louis want to use it to his advantage. During his reign, Louis takes part in four major wars: the War of Devolution, The Dutch War, The War of the League of Augsburg and The Spanish War. The United provinces, Spain, England, Bavaria and Saxony joined against France, being fearful that Louis would take over Europe. Louis XIV looses the War of Spain, but remains known for introducing to Europe the New France. France is known as one of the most prestigious countries of the seventeen century, having Versailles as a symbol of French power. As Campbell also states: He helped advance the arts in every field through his enlightened patronage. Everything French was in vogue on the Continent. . The goal of gaining territory is not entirely realized, and misery is found in France in the seventeen century. As Garfield Newman states in The Wars of Louis XIV published in Legacy, The West and The World, 2002, The Grandeur of the French State was in tatters and the people were threatening to revolt, frustrated by years of war and increased taxes. It is why Louis XIV conclusively achieves gaining territory for France. It is the only goal that Louis does not fully accomplish. Last but not least, Louis XIV wants to leave behind an inheritor that can rule the state with the same goals he had during his reign. Louiss first son dies and Louis XV, his grandson, come o the throne. As K. K Campbell states : Louis XIV faced the greatest decision of his life, but he saw no choice but to put his 16-year-old grandson on the throne, grandly declaring the elimination of boundaries between France and Spain by saying, Henceforth, there are no Pyrennees. Louis XIV successfully leaves behind an inheritor, conclusively accomplishing absolute monarchism. Peter the Great is born on May 30th, 1672 and comes to the throne in the year of 1682. He is the third son of Czar Alexis Mikhailovitch. Peters first goal is to minimize the power of the Church and nobility. Peter forms what is known as the Holy Synod, which controls the decisions of the state. This way he has power over the state and the Church. Peter needs people to work for him that he could trust. As Garfield Newman states: Finding little support among the Russian elite, the czar chose to fill important posts based on merit rather than lineage or rank. This way the power of the nobility is minimized and the nobles have to go to school in order to get a job serving the state. As Anatoli Riassnovsly states in Peter the Great, published in A History of Russia, 1963, In 1722 Peter published a Table of Ranks that equated a persons social position and privileges with his rank in the bureaucracy or the army rather than with his position in the nobility. The goal of gaining control over the church and nobility is accomplished by Peter the Great, showing that is he an absolute monarch. Next, Peter wants to become the most important person in Russia and to make all decisions. Now having power over the church, army and the nobility, he has power over the state. As Garfield Newman states: Peter had over one thousand streltsy tortured and executed, and their bodies put on displayed as a lesson to the public. His wife, Eudoxia, and his half sister, both of whom had sympathized with the rebels defense of tradition and religion, were forced to become nuns. This shows the power that Peter had over anybody in Russia. Being the most important person in the state is a goal that he accomplishes. Peters first wish is to gain prestige, power and territory. He believes that he can do that by westernizing Russia. Peter himself travels to different countries of Europe with the goal of seeking different types of art and behavior. As K. K Campbell states in Another Founding Father, published in Military History, April 1999, And Oddly, as much as he brought Russia into Europe, so did he bring Europe into Russia, importing European ways and technologies, even establishing the capital at a new, western city, St. Petersburg. Peter also constructed schools such as the School of Mathematics and Navigation, and the Academy of Science. Having power over the army, Peter uses it to gain territory. As it is stated in The most Authoritative Guide to St. Petersburg found in The History of Petersburg, 2002 One of the Peters main goals was to regain access to the Baltic Sea and Baltic trade. In 1700 he started the Northern War with Sweden, which lasted for 21 years. In the course of the war St. Petersburg was founded (1703) in the Neva River delta. At the end of the war Russia was victorious and conquered the vast lands on the Baltic coast. Russia gained access to European trade and St. Petersburg became her major sea port. This shows that Peter has a lot of success in gaining prestige and territory for Russia. This goal of his career is accomplished. Peter of Russia has the power of the state, army, church and nobility. Further more he gains prestige and territory. He only goes wrong when it comes leaving an inheritor behind. As Anatoli Riassnovsky also states: Despite his notable success on the Baltic, Peters reign ended with a great question mark. He had long quarreled with his only son, Alexis. Peter was jealous of the young man and feared he might undertake sedition. In 1718 Peter had his son imprisoned and during his imprisonment, Alexis died mysteriously. This way, when Peter dies, no one comes to the throne. Years later, it is the Church and nobility that rule again. Peter fails leaving an inheritor and so the last goal of absolutism is not reached. Louis Quatorze (the Son King of France) and Peter I (the Great) of Russia are both absolute monarchs. However, their careers as monarchs are conclusively achieved due to that fact that both partially accomplish the goals of absolute monarchism. Louis of France does not succeed into gaining a lot of territory and leaves the majority of France in misery, while Peter of Russia fails to leave behind an inheritor and years later the nobility and Church takes control over the state again. Louis XIV and Peter I remain famous in the era of monarchism and in history, for it is due to their contributions that France and Russia have changed and become who they are today.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Bullying - Essay Example Bullying means repeated aggressive behavior shown by a person with the intention of hurting somebody physically or psychologically. The intention of every bully is to gain power over a person whom he considers to be weak. A bully may do so by physically hurting or threatening such person. Yet, bullying is not always physical. A bully may also scare or inflict pain on a person by hurting or scaring one emotionally. People usually think that bullying is all about physical violence and they simply ignore the emotional aspects of bullying. The thing is that some bullies harass their victims physically by engaging in acts like pushing, punching, hitting and other forms of direct violence. Then there are bullies who emotionally harass their victims by verbally abusing or insulting them, by spreading rumors about them or by gossiping about them. Both forms of bullying that is physical or emotional could cause extreme pain to a victim. In a majority of the cases bullies manage to get away because many victims do not resist. Some victims of bullying tolerate such injustice because they think that bullying is normal. They need to really understand the fact that bullying is not at all a normal thing. The chances are that if a victim does not resist a bully or complain about one to the appropriate authorities, the bullying will get worse with time. The only way to check a bully is to resist one or to complain about one. Then there are victims who are too scared or ashamed to complain about bullying. They believe that if they do so, things will get even worse. This is a wrong belief. It has been seen that the most effective way to stop bullying is to bring it to the notice of the adults and the teachers. The one big thing that encourages a bully is the failure of the victim to complain against one. The thing that needs to be understood is that bullying is an act of violence. It needs to be checked by all the healthy mi nded

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Indoctrination of children to child soldiers Essay

Indoctrination of children to child soldiers - Essay Example The use of children as soldiers has become a global problem today that requires urgent solution. Post notes that the use of children as militia has rapidly increased since the end of the cold war in 1990sThe increase is mainly attributed to the intra-state conflicts witnessed in various countries around the world particularly in developing countries.Estimates show that more than 300,000 children used as soldiers in 36 conflicts across the globe (Singer 6). At the same time, reports indicate that National Military and rebels groups are both recruiting children as soldiers in armed conflicts. The most recent involvement of children in armed conflict has been witnessed in countries such as Afghanistan, Burundi, Uganda, Congo DRC, Angola, Liberia, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Rwanda, Somalia, Guinea-Bissau, Sudan and Sierra Leon just to name but a few (O'Neill par.2). Findings indicate that some of the children participating in these armed conflicts were forced to participate while others volunt arily joined the fray as an escape means from social problems such as poverty and abuse, or as revenge against their families. However, the daunting statistics show that most of these children become victims of the war itself. This paper seeks to explore how children are indoctrinated to become child soldiers. The use of children as soldiers in armed conflicts has rapidly increased over the last ten years. Most of these children have been subjected to all sorts of dehumanizing atrocities. Tiefenbrun notes that these children are often abducted from their homes by armed militias, tortured and indoctrinated with intimidation and coaxed to take mind-altering drugs, threaten with dire consequences such as death or dismemberment (423). Others are forced to return to their villages to witness or participate in the killing of their friends and family members who fail to comply with the commander’s directives. The abducted children are also forced to watch how children who attempt es cape or disobey commander’s directives are punished. Tiefenbrun claims that child soldiers are normally brainwashed meticulously and brutally until their morals and ethics becomes completely distorted to the extent that they are made to believe that doing evil is luxurious (423). For Example, a twenty-year old Colombian who happened to have been indoctrinated to become a soldier stated that, once a child is introduced into the paramilitary, his or her first duty is to kill. According to the child, commanders tell the children being recruited that they are to engage in killing (Chancellor Par.8). As a result, they are trained how to kill. This implies being given someone to kill by either chopping off hands or head or jabbing with a knife. This directive must be followed even if it means killing a friend or a family member. Tiefenbrun noted that brainwashing is normally accompanied by desensitization of children to the sight and commission of murder and other forms of atrociti es (424). Children who dare escape are boiled a live according to a report. The boiled body of the murdered child soldier is used as a meal for the other child soldiers, who are forced to eat the human flesh as part of their training, according to Tiefenbrun (424). Child soldiers who have managed to escape reveals that they were being forced to beat dead bodies of a captured escapee. Additionally, they are forced to smear themselves with the blood of the murdered escapee. According to Beah, rebels ensure that child soldiers remain obedient through frequent beatings, death threats, and threats against retaliation against the family members of the children on training as child soldiers (22). Despite boys being the main targets of rebels for recruitment as a child soldier, girl child are also victims. Tiefenbrun observed that 40% of child soldiers worldwide are girls who are abducted and indoctrinated to child soldiers (424). Report indicates that young girls make up a third of child

Monday, November 18, 2019

Innovation exploitation report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Innovation exploitation report - Essay Example The heat exchangers were mainly designed to extract heat energy from industrial waste but the grey water concept is to apply the same method to the waste water of the households. The company is looking forward to establish three modes of heat exchangers. The company needs to develop the heat exchanger, the connections, the sensors and the control system. Within a time span of three months - from June till the end of August - the company will develop and test heat exchangers and make them efficient enough to become a part of its main operations. The efficient system is crucial for acquiring significant market share. Adding the PVC coating gives additional efficiency plus it prevents contamination of clean water. With the help of a Gantt chart is scheduled for developing and testing the materials is included. The exact design that the company will manufacture will be protected by copyright laws and patents. The overall goal is to achieve efficiency by serving the customers’ need s and help contribute towards sustainable renewable energy systems. Waste heat from exhaust air, wastewater and refrigeration machinery can be used for space heating and hot water. Substantial amount of energy can be saved through this judicious use of heat exchangers (Harvey, 2006). The system has been in use successfully in various countries. For instance Herrera at al. (2003) showed with the use of just four heat exchangers in a complex in Mexico -a hospital, laundry, Sports Center with a swimming pool and a family healthcare unit – could save about 38% of thermal energy. A two-year independent study of heat exchanger systems installed in Britain’s houses observed a savings of 380 kWh and 500 kWh per person annually (AIMC4, 2014). The heat exchanger technology is being provided by LEED in the United States (Moore, 2013). The type of heat exchanger that the company is developing is very

Friday, November 15, 2019

Individual Analysis Of Marks Spencer Marketing Essay

Individual Analysis Of Marks Spencer Marketing Essay Nowadays, consumers buying behaviour and wants changed rapidly. It is vital for an organization to segment their market in order to meets the needs and wants of all ranges of the consumers in this competitive market. Market is a place where potential buyers and sellers gathered in order to exchange their goods. (Kotler, et al., 2004, pp.14). Market segmentation is to divide a market into direct groups which consist of buyers that might require separate products or marketing mixes and classified customers with different needs, characteristics or behavior into groups. (Kotler, et al., 2004, pp.344). It includes geographical segmentation, demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation and behavioral segmentation. Geographical segmentation classified the market into different geographical units, for example, nations, regions, states, municipalities, cities or neighbourhoods. (Kotler, et al., 2004, pp.345). For instance, a company can operate in one, few or all areas but only focus to local variations. Demographic segmentation Demographic segmentation divide the market into groups on the basic variables such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, nationality, and social class. Demographic segmentation is often be used to distinguish the customer groups because it often associated with the customers needs, wants, usage rates, product and brand preferences. Psychographic segmentation Psychographic segmentation divided market into different groups of buyers based on their socioeconomic status, lifestyle and personality characteristic. (Kotler, et al., 2004, pp.348). Socioeconomic status is the strong effect on preferences of buyers in the product. Lifestyle is a way of life or style of living of a person that will reflect the products they choose to buy. Personality is where a product is designed based on the personality of the consumer. Behavioural segmentation Behavioural segmentation divides the buyers into groups which based on their knowledge, attitude and responses towards the product. (Kotler, et al., 2004, pp.349). It also can based on the occasion segmentation and benefit segmentation. The Perfect and Classic ranges The Perfect and Classic ranges are in the psychographic segmentation because it is based on the consumers socioeconomic, lifestyle, and personality. For instance, it is based on classically stylish mature customers who are in a busy lifestyle but look for quality products in a value reasonable price. Besides, it also aimed on consumers which look for timeless collection and smart and elegant clothes. The Autograph range The Autograph range is in geographical segmentation by launched in spring / summer 2000 range at selected stores only. It also launched the hat collection in nationwide which classified the market into nations. Besides, it also in the range of demographic segmentation in terms of gender and by recruited top designers to create women wear and menswear. per una range Per una is using demographic segmentation in its market. It divided the market in age, gender and income. For instance, it target on the customer in the age between 25 and 35 which is fashion- conscious women. Besides, it also in superb design at competitive price and 10 per cent more expensive than M S other main range which aimed at the customers that have upper medium to high income level to purchase for its products. Besides, it also based on behavioural segmentation by divide the customers based on their response toward the product. For instance, the speed of reaction the customers will reflect the good from design concept to be faster shop rails in weeks but not in months. Conclusion As a result, Marks Spencer had segmented its three sub brands into different kinds of segmentation which can gather the potential buyers with different characteristic to purchase their goods according to their preferences. This will helps to target different customers from all over the region to increase the sales volume and profitability and at the same time understand the customers needs, wants and taste that will help in the production line. Question 2 Introduction Marks Spencer (M S) garments had segmented its womens wear into number of ranges and sub brands in order to appeal a different lifestyles to target the market. It includes The Perfect Collection, The Classic Collection, The Autograph and per una. Order winners Order winners is the things that directly and significant contribute to the winning business. Order-winning factor is the arrangement of resources which are applied to the production and the delivery of products and services. (Slack, et al., 2007, pp. 69). It is also the features which are unique and distinctive compared to other similar product ranges as to retain existing customer patronage as well as to attract new customers and brand switches. Qualifiers Qualifiers is the aspects of competitiveness where the performance of the operation has to be above the level considered by the customer. (Slack, et al., 2007, pp. 69). It also a product features that are usually present in other similar competitive brands. It means that existing customers needs will remain satisfied where they need not switch to other brand but at the same time it hold no unique features to attract new customers. Features The features of Perfect collection garments is based on classically stylish which is focused on basics and machine washable, non-iron and tumble-dry friendly which aimed at customer who are busy and look for quality and value garments on a reasonable price. Besides, it is a timeless essentials where customers can just wear it with anything. Whereas, the Classic collection garments is focus on more mature customer which concentrated on design, comfort, long-lasting, smart, elegant clothes and versatility which made from high quality fabrics at value-for-money prices. It is designed for skim and flatter the natural body shape of the customers. It is a timeless collection that reflects customers style and finesses. Autograph range is available in selected stores and which is designed by top designers. It includes women wears, men wears and accessories. Autograph range is sell on high street price with limited pieces on each item launched. Per una is targeted on fashion-conscious women between the aged of 25-35 and the size of 8-18. It provides a superb design at affordable price. It also comes with latest trends, limited editions and exclusive design with no repetition which stands 10% more expensive in M S main range. Customers expectation The customer who is smartly dressed would expect the availability of their size, price and quality for the standard items in M S. They prefer the garments which is easy to clean. As for the fashionably dressed lady would expect the availability of bigger sizes in the store with reasonable quality and the colour of the garments must not be fade or shrink when washed. This customer is more focus on availability of size rather than the variety of colour shades. As for premium items, the customers who is smartly dressed would expect limited design clothes which is exclusively designed with high quality and long lasting. Besides, the customers who is fashionably dressed would focus much on design rather than quality and unlikely to purchase high fashion item unless it is a impulse purchase which its expect to wear for only a few times before replacing it. The Perfect and Classic ranges Order winners The order winners of Perfect and Classic ranges are the items which is timeless essentials, long lasting style that can maintain quality and versatility. It is also skim and flatter to the natural body shape and belongs to the range of smart and elegant clothes with high quality of fabrics at valuable price which can attract the new and existing customers. Qualifiers The qualifiers of the Perfect and Classic ranges are the items which are machine washable, non-iron and tumble dry friendly. Besides, the items which is return to basics such as plain, white shirts, black roll neck sweaters and jeans which can retains the existing customers . The Autograph range Order winners The order winners of The Autograph range is the unique design by the top designers which is the philosophy of Autograph to bring cutting-edge design for the customers within a selected stores which charged at a high street price but in a designer boutique environment that can attract more new customers for the unique design that only available in selected stores. Qualifiers The qualifiers of The Autograph range is the availability of collection items such as Philips Treacys collection with 18 hats and 10 bags with a variety of no more than 60 of each colour and style which can let the existing customers to have more choices in terms on style and colour of the items.. per una range Qrder winners The order winners of per una are the unique design with quality materials and latest trends which comes in limited editions. It is also comes with small numbers with no repetition in design that will attract new customers to purchase it as its design are exclusive and limited edition. Qualifiers The qualifiers of per una is the size of clothes which is from 8-18 that come in small number. This will retained the existing customers that are small in size between aged of 25-35. Besides, the design of clothes also very attention to detail. Conclusion It is vital that M S to distinguish the company order winners and qualifiers for the customers in order to target the markets and to gaining competitive advantage. Question 3 Every operation also had a range of stakeholders which may or maybe influence the operations activities. (Slack, et al., 2004, pp. 39). There are internal stakeholders such as employees and external stakeholders such as customers, society companys shareholders and so on. Operation performance objective includes the five performance objectives which are quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost. Perfect and Classic ranges Autograph range per una range Product range Targets on classically stylish and mature customers that with a busy lifestyle. Produce smart and elegant clothes. Targets on unique design by top designers which available in selected store. Targets on fashion conscious women in the aged of 25-35 with the size of 8-18. Inspired by latest trends. Design changes Continual changes Occasional changes Occasional changes Price Reasonable and value-for-money prices in terms of quality. The lowest price among the Autograph range and per una range. High street prices. It ranks as the second highest of price between perfect and classic range, and per una range. The highest price compared to perfect and classic range, and per una range. 10% more expensive in the Marks Spencer main range. Quality High quality that ranked number three among Autograph range and per una range. High quality High and exclusive quality. Sales volumes SKU High Medium Low Order winners The garments are timeless essentials that have long lasting style which can maintain quality and versatility. It also skim and flatter to the natural body that used high quality of fabric but in valuable price. The clothes are unique design by the top designers which is the philosophy of Autograph to bring cutting-edge design for the customers at selected stores. The clothes are charged at a high street price but in a designer boutique environment. The garments are unique design with quality materials and latest trends which comes in limited editions. No repetition in the in the design. Order qualifiers The garments are machine washable, non iron and tumble dry friendly. It also focused on basic design such as plain, white shirts, black roll neck sweaters and jeans. The availability of collection items such as Philips Treacys collection with 18 hats and 10 bags with a variety of no more than 60 of each colour and style. The size of clothes which is from 8-18 that came in small number. The design of clothes also very attention to detail. Operations priorities Dependability and quality. Basic and comfort. Cutting edge design within a unique boutique environment. Quality materials and latest trends. Conclusion It is important for Marks Spence to identify and classified their companys operation performance objectives of different ranges in order to ensure that the three sub brands will have a smooth production line in terms of which brands that different customers served by differentiate it into different product ranges. (2023words)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Spartan Warriors Essay -- Ancient Greece

OUTLINE I. Introduction. In society today the term â€Å"warrior† is used loosely and sometimes even associated with an athlete training for a specific event. By the fourth century B.C., Sparta designed a culture solely for training soldiers, a warrior culture. The problem with the design of a warrior culture is not in the fighting capabilities of the group, but in the artistic legacy that was lost during the life of a fighting culture. II. Body. 1. Historical Background a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prior to the Messenian War b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the Messenian War 2. Training a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Age and Sex b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Way of life 3. Politics a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Women in Sparta b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Constitution c. Lycurgus 4. Significant Battles a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Battle of Marathon   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  b. Battle of Thermopylae   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  c. Battle of Plataea d.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Peloponnesian War 5. Sparta without a war a. Shortcomings b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Battle of Leuctra 6. Summary III. Conclusion The training regiments and social structure of the Spartans were geared towards building the strongest men and nation physically, but without the artistic and political training, the warriors or Sparta were unable to bring the Grecian empire together. History remembers so much from the philosophy teachings of Socrates and the Athenian paintings, dishes, and sculptures, but little is remembered about the other superpower in Greece and of the warriors of Sparta. THE SPARTAN WARRIORS In society today the term â€Å"warrior† is used loosely and sometimes even associated with an athlete training for a specific event. By the fifth century B.C., Sparta designed a culture solely for training soldiers, a warrior culture. The problem with the design of a warrior culture is not in the fighting capabilities of the group, but in the lack of an artistic legacy that was lost during the life of a fighting culture.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prior to the forming of the military community of Sparta there is evidence of a society rich in culture. Archaeologists have found vase paintings depicting fish, snakes, plants, and kings. The illustrations on the dishes of Sparta showed increasing skill in drawing of human dimensions and animal characteristics. The city-state of Sparta had been formed as a cultural center that produced not only pottery but was noted for its festivals of song and dance as well. Other types of craftsmanship included wood, metalworking, weaver, and leather. The Spartan culture would soo... ...cago, Illinois:Rand McNally, 1970) Dryden, John. Translation. Plutarch: The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans. (New York, New York:Modern Library, dt unk) Hale, William H. The Horizon Book of Ancient Greece. (New York, New York:American Heritage Co, 1956) Hawkes, Jacquetta. Dawn of the Gods: Minoan and Mycenaean Origins of Greece. (New York, New York:Random House, 1968) National Geographic Society. Greece and Rome: Builders of Our World. (Washington, District of Columbia:National Geographic Society, 1968) Preston, Richard A., Alex Roland, and Sydney F. Wise. Men in Arms: A History of Warfare and its interrelationships with Western Society. (Belmont, California:Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2001) Reuben, Gabriel and Sheila Schwartz. How People Lived in Ancient Greece and Rome. (Chicago, Illinois:Benefic Press, 1967) Tomlinson, R.A. Argos and the Argolid: From the End of the Bronze Age to the Roman Occupation. (Ithaca, New York:Cornell University, 1972) Warry, John. Warfare in the Classical World: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons, Warriors, and Warfare in Ancient Civilisations of Greece and Rome. (Norman, Oklahoma:University of Oklahoma Press, 1995)